Seeking Spiritual Guidance: A Q&A Session with Swami Prakashanand Saraswati

Swami Prakashanand Saraswati, a revered spiritual teacher, shared wisdom and guidance on nurturing one’s relationship with the Divine amidst daily challenges. In this Q&A session, he shares insights on devotion, the search for a true spiritual Master, and the power of surrender. Through his teachings, Swamiji emphasizes that with regular dedication and sincere longing, one can connect deeply with Radha-Krishn, even with the demands of modern life.

Questions& Answers

Question: Swamiji, with the constant struggle of daily life and the tension and worry of modern living, how can we remember Krishn?

Answer: You must devote some of your time during 24 hours for devotion. For instance, after your day’s work is done, before going to bed, sit quietly and remember Radha- Krishn and Divine Vrindaban. It is important to begin regular devotions. Gradually your feelings of love and remembrance of Radha-Krishn will naturally develop.

Question: How does a person find a true spiritual Master?

Answer: A person cannot find a real Master on his own. I always advise those who are looking for a spiritual Master to turn directly to God for help. God is kind. He can help you find someone to lead you to Him. A real Master is beyond human intellect, so it is best to worship God directly. Worship God, in any form you choose as your Divine Beloved, and cry for His Grace. If any person is really desiring guidance from God wholeheartedly, situations are created in such a way that he will find a true Master. Because he is already in God consciousness, he will be able to recognize his Master to some extent. This is the procedure of finding a true Master and following the path to God.

Question: How did you come to the West?

Answer: For me, there is no West or East, there is the whole world. In the eyes of a Saint, all the souls are the same. They all need help. A Saint helps a soul whoever or wherever he is.

Question: Do people who grew up in a different culture find it difficult to understand this teaching?

Answer: If they are open-minded, they understand.

Question: What is the goal of what you teach to the people who come to you?

Answer: In my teachings, I give knowledge and some understanding of the Divine science. I also give something to open the heart through meditation. In my presence, they also feel some peace of mind. If they keep coming, they begin to understand from the inside that this is the right path.

Question: How does one surrender one’s intellect to God?

Answer: You see, necessity makes us surrender. You have to be desperate. When you feel the necessity, you surrender yourself. You surrender all the time to the world, emotionally you surrender to the other party, when you are begging for something you surrender to your doctor, to your employer. When you are feeling little and someone else is great you are surrendering. So, when you feel the need that God could give you the maximum happiness, you can surrender. You have to feel the need first, you have to believe Him. If you don’t feel the need, you can’t surrender.

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